Friday, March 02, 2007


I know most of my friends in Southern Ontario enjoyed a lovely snowstorm yesterday. I think some of you may still be enjoying it today.

We had fun last night and while I should be finishing my post, these photos are much cuter than my boring old words.

Hope everyone is safe and sound while they dig out.


Mad said...

These pictures are so very sweet. That blizzard is due to hit us down east any minute now. I'm looking forward to taking my squirmy wormy girl out in the snow tomorrow. We've filled squiter bottles with red and blue food colouring and water; we plan to paint the snow.

Mimi said...

So cute! They closed the university yesterday afternoon, and I walked home through the blizzard. Strangely calming. And today, school closed again, because of freezing rain all night. But I'm at work: it's quiet, it's calm.

Rosebud and Papoosie Girl look like they're having so much fun! I can hardly wait for Miss Baby to be big enough to play outside!

NotSoSage said...

What great shots!

I want so desperately to be able to get Mme L out in the snow but, sadly, my lungs and sinuses have other things in mind. Sigh.

Her Bad Mother said...

Ooh, girls who love snow. WonderBaby hates snow. Prolly because Her Bad Father whizzed her down a hill on a sled without warning, when she was barely 13 months old.

Em said...

Jenifer ... I just saw your post over at mad's and I wanted to say that my niece did exactly the same thing as your rosebud (never used the potty to poop, only pooped while asleep at night in a diaper). My SIL tried everything and nothing worked... she was full of despair... but at 5+ years my niece sorted it out by herself without any coaxing. I think she was finally ready to deal with whatever fears or concerns she had.

My daughter never used the potty to poop until she was almost 4 and was only fully trained shortly after she turned four. I know how hard it can be... and how frustrating.

Courage & hugs...

Melanie D. said...

I rather enjoy your words and find them neither boring, nor old. BUT, the pictures are so very CUTE. Thanks for sharing!!!